Gameplay Journal #10

Kaylie White
3 min readMar 31, 2021

For my final entry in this series, I will be sharing my preliminary concepts for the development of a persuasive game! No idea below is finalized but the chosen concept will be developed using Unity.

Concept 1: Fatal Error

Attempt to build a commercial game while facing contemporary issues within the game design industry.

This game’s theme focuses on the effects of cyberbullying in the context of game development and more specifically, the patterned harassment of developers by people who play their games. The player’s job is to build their project by successfully completing mini-game “playtests,” which change in appearance to represent the game’s stage in development (for example, the first level will be white boxed and the last level will contain full models and textures). The game’s narrative is conveyed through random events throughout development in the form of gameplay disruptions including pop-up text notifications (e-mails, direct messages) and audio calls from co-workers, friends, and fans, informing the player how their game is being negatively received by the public (based on player performance in playtests). The aim of this is is to convince players to give pause before attacking artists online for work they often provide for free. This is done by showing the player a firsthand look into the desktop of an amateur developer and how external factors can ultimately effect the results of their created game and personal lives.

Concept 2: Eyes in the Dark

See through the eyes of misunderstood urban wildlife.

The game aims to convince the player to think differently about “pest” animals and develop respect for creatures who’s natural ecosystems have been displaced by human development. Ecological preservation is not always easily attainable in some environments, especially urban settings, so the game’s values are focused less on conservation and more around human-animal cohabitation and disabling harmful ideals regarding urban wildlife. To convey these ideas in the game, the player will control and shift between different nocturnal animals they encounter (rats, possums, etc.) and must work to survive through one night of hunger and danger. The player is encouraged to play resourcefully by digging in gardens, rummaging through trash, and finding other ways to scavenge through the city landscape. However, each action may come with a risk that ideally causes the player to think deeper on how their everyday choices can impact the world around them.

Concept 3: Green Garden

Grow your agricultural business while making a positive impact on people’s lives.

This game focuses on breaking down common misconceptions and educating players on the many beneficial applications of hemp. Unlike the many marijuana-growing tycoon simulators currently on the market, this farming-sim-with-a-twist takes a softer approach to normalizing the plant for an everyday audience by avoiding edgy aesthetics and drug language. Instead, the player’s success in the care of their plants results in positive customer testimonials and light narrative progression. The end goal of the game is to convince the player to rethink preconceived notions or personal bias regarding the cultivation of cannabis. This game will require careful research of scholarly sources to ensure factual accuracy, which is especially important when attempting to persuade an audience to a side of a serious and divided argument (and especially one rooted in decades of widespread misinformation).

